R.M 様
25歳 フランス人男性
I was able to find a job in Kansai really quickly.
After finishing my computer science study in France I only work less than one year as an employee in top of one year as an internship.
I decide to go and live in Kyoto with just a little experience and without the possibility to work in Japanese.
Because I was living in Kyoto I wanted to find a job in Kansai and don't want to relocate in Tokyo where there more work for people working in English.
First I struggle finding a job during my first month but with Globarx I was able to find my first in Kyoto in IT. The process of recruiting was great and quick.
Now I'm working in English on something I like.
Of course I recommend Globarx if you want to find a job that fit your requirements.
N.T 様
25歳 ベトナム人女性
After graduating school, I decided to find a job and build my own career in Japan. However, I was struggling to find a suitable job relating to my hospitality major.
Fortunately, I had a great chance seeing a post of GLOBARX. I sent email to GLOBARX and was introduced to a wonderful hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo. GLOBARX not only helped me to contact with hotel and arrange an interview but also helped me in procedures for applying new visa. Especially, I strongly appreciated prompt response from Mr. Morinaga.
I was issued 5 year visa successfully as a result of careful monitering of Mr. Morinaga as well as professional process of Certified Administrative Scrivener. I was really impressed by their very fast service.
If you are having trouble on seeking employment opportunity in Japan, I very highly recommend GLOBARX's service. Surely, you will be satisfied like I am.
学校を卒業した後、私は日本で就職して自分のキャリアを築こうと決心しました。 しかし、ホスピタリティ専攻に関連する適切な仕事を見つけるのに苦労していました。
幸いなことに、GLOBARX社の投稿を見る素晴らしい機会に恵まれました。 GLOBARXにメールを送ったところ、東京・新宿にある素敵なホテルを紹介されました。 GLOBARXはホテルとの連絡や面接の手配だけでなく、提携先の行政書士と連携して、新しい就労ビザの申請手続きもサポートしてくれました。 特に森永さんの迅速な対応には大変感謝しております。
森永さんの細心の注意と行政書士の先生の専門的な手続きの結果、無事に5年間の就労ビザが発給されました。 彼らの非常に迅速なサービスに本当に感銘を受けました。
日本での就職に悩んでいるなら、GLOBARXのサービスをぜひお勧めします。 きっとあなたも私と同じように満足していただけるでしょう。
M.K 様
28歳 スリランカ人男性
After graduating from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka in the Mechanical Engineering field, I was working in the domestic industry as a Mechanical Engineer. I was planning to develop my career. Then I met with Mr.Morinaga of GLOBARX.
As a result of GLOBARX's Process, I was introduced to a great opportunity to work as a Product development Engineer.
I had a practice interview with Morinaga san and his feedback was very important. His guidelines were very important to understand about the company and what I should improve on.
Morinaga san's information became very valuable to pass the interview. Now I started working at a company in Kyoto.
I think it is a great opportunity that match my career goals.
I can strongly recommend GLOBARX for anyone expecting to work in Japan.
M.S 様
33歳 スリランカ人男性
I graduated from a Sri Lankan university as a Production Engineer. After working for several years in Sri Lanka I wanted to work in Japan. I was introduced to a Japanese company by Globarx and successfully got an offer. Now I have moved to Kyoto and started working. The company which hired me has been very supportive from the beginning. They helped me with finding an apartment and even with purchasing household items.
I have been extremely satisfied with the recruitment services provided by Globarx Inc. I would highly recommend Globarx to anyone seeking employment opportunities in Japan. Their expertise, professionalism, and commitment make them a top choice for recruitment services.
Thank you again for introducing me to the Japanese company and for your exceptional services.
S.K 様
26歳 中国人男性
D.N 様
29歳 スリランカ人男性
After graduating from the VNU University of Science (Vietnam) and Vietnam Japan University, I returned back to Sri Lanka. Due to the lack of job opportunities in Sri Lanka related to my field, I was quite struggling. Then I was introduced to the opportunity to work in Japan as a Chemical engineer through Morinaga san of GLOBARX. I believe this is definitely the turning point in my life.
I had a mock interview with Morinaga san and his feedback was very important. His attitude and approach are everything that you wish for when dealing with a professional. With his guidance, I was able to understand the recruiting company better and his instructions helped me to grab clear and effective answers to the interview questions which helped me to get through the interviews. Also, I felt that they understood exactly what kind of person the company wanted to recruit. When I needed a few clarifications they responded promptly with information. Now I'm looking forward to starting working. I recommend GLOBARX to anyone looking for job opportunities in Japan.
VNU University of Science (Vietnam) と Vietnam Japan University を卒業後、スリランカに戻りました。 スリランカでは自分の専門分野に関連する仕事の機会がなく、かなり苦労しました。 その後、GLOBARXの森永さんを通じて、化学エンジニアとして日本で働く機会を紹介されました。 これは間違いなく私の人生のターニングポイントだったと思います。
面接本番前に森永さんと模擬面接をしましたが、彼のフィードバックは非常に重要でした。 彼の態度とアプローチは、プロの対応として望むすべてです。彼の指導により、私は求人企業をよりよく理解することができました。また、面接でどのように回答すれば効果的か明確に把握することができました。 そして、私が募集ポジションに対して質問した時、彼らは迅速に情報を提供してくれました。 もうすぐ仕事を始めるのが楽しみです。 日本での就職先をお探しの外国人にGLOBARXをお勧めします。
D.H 様
24歳 ベトナム人女性
T.A 様
26歳 ミャンマー人男性